Monday, March 30, 2009


Advice from my grandfather:

"Don't ever get old.  Just get to 21, and stay there.  Let the calendar keep turning, but you stay at 21."

Is life like a card game?  Just get to a certain number; don't draw too high or you'll bust.  
The house usually wins, unless you have skills or beginner's luck.
Don't play too aggressively or timidly.  
Anticipate what's about to happen.
Get to where you need to be, and stay there.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Late night drives

I love driving around my hometown in the middle of the night.  Or the middle of the morning, depending on how you look at it.

Something about the sleeping peacefulness and the absolute silence is soothing to a racing mind in a racing car.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Dating Playground Etiquette

Inspiration: How to Touch A Girl by Jojo

Do you know how to touch a girl?
If you want me so much
First, I have to know
Are you thoughtful and kind?
Do you care what's on my mind?
Or am I just for show?
You'll go far in this world
If you know how to touch a girl

I think that a guy should have to chase a girl just a little in order to win her heart.  
Girls shouldn't be easy to get.
Women are meant to be treasured.
Guys should be able to be honest and romantic without being ridiculed.
It's not cute or "manly" when you ignore a girl in front of your friends.  Don't even try it.
I will not choose between a boyfriend and my friends.  Don't ask me to.  Chances are, I'll choose my friends and you'll end up single and looking like an idiot.
Don't play other girls.  We're in this together, even if you don't like her.
Even the most awkward guys have feelings.  That said, if you guy approached by one, take it as a compliment, not an insult.  
Everyone has something to offer, even if it's not readily apparent.
Girls shouldn't have to adhere to rules that Cosmopolitan sets down.  
The perfect housewife is a myth.
A real relationship will include honesty, understanding, and love.


They say that everything happens for a reason.
There are times, like now, that I don't want to believe that.
I don't want to think that my friends are fading more and more into my past because they're not supposed to be there for me.
I don't want to know that I'm not supposed to be with anyone even when I think it'll work.  Maybe it's just the wrong person, wrong timing, I need to keep my wits about me for something bigger and better, whatever.

I'm done with this.  Everything happens for a reason... What's the reason?  What's the purpose?
Although maybe if I knew what my life was directing me towards, I wouldn't be able to follow the correct path to get there.
Just by knowing the future, we can change it.  It's almost a sure thing that we WILL change it.
Besides, we won't live in the moment if we know where we end up, right?
I hope so.
Maybe I'm supposed to feel frustrated, hurt, and let down right now so I can see who will pick me back up.
Or I need to pick myself back up.  Maybe this is a test of my strength... Maybe I'll need to know that I can get through this on my own when something even worse happens.

I'm not gonna say this is as bad as it gets.  
I know that "it" can get much worse.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Starting Point

I figure that a starting point is a good place to... well, start.
Now that I've stated the obvious, I'm curious:  Why are you here?
Maybe you think that I've discovered something about the world that you have yet to find.
Maybe you're just curious as to how I go about stringing my thoughts together.
Or maybe you're here because I wanted you to look.

Now that that's settled, onto other things.
Like... why am I here?
Well, I love to write. It's the easiest way for me to express myself.
I like share my ideas with others to give them more ideas and concepts to think about.
I'm here because I chose to be here.