Saturday, December 24, 2011


I no longer have my rhythm
I broke it down into separate letters that I threaded onto a bracelet
that I meant to keep for myself
along with all the other words that still mean something to me

but I gave it away
to a man in a superhero's costume
I trusted him to know what to do with it

and now
I'm trying to learn how to walk off beat
off the beaten path
my footsteps are searching the forest floor
for a speck of sunlight salvation
that I can tuck between my ribs
and let it become a spark of inspiration
but I have shadows sewn into my skin
a darkness that manifests itself as half moon circles around my eyes
creating bulls eye targets on my face
to let the shafts of sunlight know where my secrets are all hidden

My feet have grown callused from traversing this rough earth
I remember when they used to be smooth
like the webbing between my fingers
the space that hold pens like the stems of roses
patient for the fragrant beauty to unfold itself
but now, my words cannot keep pace with my frantic mind
I've given my rhythm away
and received dragonflies in return
they've climbed the grass stalks twisting through my torso
sometimes, they turn their multi faceted eyes at me
and ask me questions in silence
a language i have never fully understood
i can feel their gossamer wings tickle my skin
whenever I'm pressed against the chest of the boy I gave my rhythm too

I gave my rhythm away
to a man with the ocean eyes and gentle seafoam fingertips
I can hear it when he falls asleep next to me
his arms locked tightly around my back
if I listen close enough
I find that I'm not surrounded by silence I'm unable to translate
but i'm being rocked to sleep by the lullaby
of his steady heartbeat
that keeps pace with mine.

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