Saturday, August 15, 2009

we can.

We can either take the difficulties that are given to us, or we can look forward and see how they will help us grow.
We can take each day for granted, or we can realize that it is another chance for something amazing to happen.
We can try to keep everything the same, but no two days will ever be the same.
We can look at the glass as half empty, or we can fill the glass to the brim and stop arguing.
We can learn the most by listening to our harshest critics.
We can find happiness in the simple joys of life, or we can be irritated that one detail didn't go as planned.
We can pretend to be responsible adults, or we can dance in the rain.
We can smile, even when the odds are against us.
We can remember that no matter what happens in life- it goes on.

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