Tuesday, August 9, 2011

London Riots

It has long been a dream held by many
to see the youth united
grasping their potential in nimble fingers
and holding it up to the sun
demanding that change occur.
using their voices even if no one is listening
if there was a revolution tomorrow, you can bet that i'd be part of it.

but when I say revolution
I speak of a turning tide
of people taking to the streets
in an organized and peaceful way
putting their foot down for what they fight for
without fighting their fellow countrymen

so tell me, rioters of london,
what do you fight for?
what sort of change do you hope to cause
when you leave shards of glass spilled over sidewalks?
when you rob the innocents because you're caught up in the moment
when you take part in a group mentality and become a follower, just another destructive sheep
when you leave damage behind you because your anger has finally found a way out
you turn your backs on each other and on yourself.

tell me,
when you set cars on fire, do you see your own hearts consumed by the blaze?
see the hungry flames growl for more fuel to consume and leave a blackened twisted mess
like you do with the rest of the city.
these riots have not been deemed economic or political
these are greedy riots.

borne from inequalities that have been festering under your skin
like a poison ivy rash
bubbling red with rage
and just waiting for an opportunity to destroy.

can't you understand
you've already lost one of your own.
August 4th
Mark Duggan
bullet wound to the chest.
red roses of defeat flowing onto his shirt
and blossoming under the night sky.

you want to let the government know they're being unfair?
take your energy and put it to work
imagine the possibilities
if you lobbied for change instead of lobbing rocks through store windows
if you stood as one instead of drawing a dividing line between "us" and "them"
the officers you fight against have families too, you know.

Stand down.
or if you won't
at least take a moment
to think
about the kind of change you want
and the kind that you are causing.

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